Get in on the abundance of fall and early winter by having it delivered right to your doorstep…
While you may detect our fields slowing down, in spite of the changing seasons, our harvest and production never cease. Throughout the winter, we maintain a carefully-hewn stockpile of roots and cold-season crops, greenhouses full of growing greens, coffers of well-dried beans and whole grains, and beautifully jarred bits of summer…abundance and an opportunity to share all that we’ve put up from the harvest…and then some.
This year, you will notice that delivery is included as part of your share—a necessity when our store fronts close. But, by hustling and bustling at the barn, all winter long, we are able to deliver your share (and any other groceries you purchase through the delivery portion of our site), every Friday.
Though it’s best you are home to receive your share—and we strongly recommend it since it’s perishable and the weather is as the weather does—it is not a requirement. You can use the “delivery instructions” portion of your enrollment form to tell us where to put your share for safe-keeping if you aren’t there when we arrive!
Should you choose a 3 week share, or an 8 week share with pick-up included for the first 3 weeks, you will receive a $50.00 gift card at your first pick-up, to be used for in-person shopping!